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Eye Simulator Logo

Help Page

Problem: The application runs very slowly.

Solution: Check to make sure your browser's setting for hardware acceleration is enabled.
  • For Chrome: Go to Settings -> Advanced -> System -> Turn on "Use hardware acceleration when available"
  • For Firefox: Go to Options-> Performance -> Uncheck "Use recommended performance settings" -> Turn on "Use hardware acceleration when available"
  • For Safari: Go to Preferences -> Security -> Check "Allow WebGL"

Problem: The text is blurry, overlapping, or cutoff.

Solution: Make sure your browser window is zoomed to 100%.

Most browsers will have options to zoom in or out in their menus, or you can hold the Control key and use the mouse scroll wheel.

Problem: I can't see the entire game window.

Solution: Try maximizing the browser window, or use the fullscreen button to the bottom right.